With our Passion, always at your Service

About us

Skills and passion that give rise to history!

HAMMER guarantees the highest quality of 100% Italian Made products, entirely designed and manufactured within our 8 factories located in the industrial area of Molfetta (a 30000 m² area).

Our process begins with cutting-edge design, then production, and finally, we move to the sale of our small to medium-sized hydraulic attachments.

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Our numbers


The factories

In the 8 factories of Molfetta our work is always oriented towards research and is split up in different areas.


CNC Machines

The workshop department is equipped with 65 high productivity CNC Machines.


Produced units/year

The 4.0 industrial plan has helped optimize even more the manufacturing process.


Robot Station

The carpentry department, equipped with 5 latest generation plasma cutting, 5 robot welding stations and 2 robot stations for assembly.

Are you interested in our range of products?

Contact us for further advice or assistance.

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Where are

Via Oleifici dell’ Italia Meridionale, lotto G1
70056 Molfetta BA, Italy

La società Hammer srl nel corso dell’anno 2021 ha incassato e/o fruito degli aiuti, sovvenzioni, contributi di cui alla tabella pubblicata sul registro nazionale degli aiuti (RNA) – sezione trasparenza.

Denominazione soggetto erogante Codice fiscale soggetto erogante Somma incassata/CREDITO RICONOSCIUTO Data incasso/AUTORIZZAZIONE Causale (breve descrizione)
MINISTERO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO 80230390587 91.855,00 0705/2021 Formazione 4.0
AGENZIA ENTRATE 06363391001 625.00,00 22/04/2021 CRED IMP INV SUD ART.1 commi da 98 a 108 LEGGE 208/2015